Thursday, December 29

3 things that [most] men want

Was watchin' Chris Rock's performance in Harlem, NY on his Bigger and Blacker DVD (1999) the other night and i was laughing my a$$ off. I almost fell off my chair a couple of times. If there is only one stand-up I will ever watch for the rest of my life, it's gotta be Chris Rock!

If you have a video rental store membership, you owe it to yourself to pick up this (if available) and watch it. Fair warning, profanities spews out of CR's mouth like water streams out of a fountain, and if you feel strongly about political correctness, then forget this. Else, watch this with an open mind and let CR tell you about stuff that you know should be talked about, but no one does - like the whole Clinton impeachment debacle, about kids shooting up schools, men and their prized porno stash, racism, homophobia and even them fat cats in the pharmaceutical corporations!

Recalling one of his many, many quips that somehow dug itself into my brain, which of course... ahem... does not apply to ALL men:

"[Most] men only want three things...

Food, Sex, Silence.

Feed me, F*ck me, Shut the f*ck up!"

"Now where's my big piece of chicken?!"

Wednesday, December 28

Post-Christmas and Pre-New Year's greetings!

To my fellow readers and bloggers, here's a big Melly Kleesmas and a Happi Neu Ye-arh! May 2006 harken a new era of prosperity and happiness in all your endevours, whether it's work, studies or play!

A little something from my childhood days in school... arrhhh-ummm!
*clears throat*

Should all acquintances be forgot
And neber be blough to mind...
Should all acquintances be forgot
And lays of aww lan syne...
Awwww lan syne, my dear...
Awwww lan syne... should all acquintances be forgot
and days of aww lan sign..

Ok, that's enough of that. ^_^

My top five resolutions of the upcoming year:
1) Get a social life!!!
2) Get out of the house to exercise more, les I run a risk of losing my tan ;)
3) Finish the health supplements that my Mommy dearest sent to me
4) Try to score a job in California (Wish me luck, Dad! :)
5) Score more booty!!! >:D

Have you decided on yours yet?

Sunday, December 11

Are you feeling lucky?

Google has become such a powerful presence in the lives of mainstream Internet users that I truly believe that anyone who has to rely on the Web for his or her daily dose of information fill-up should and would (by now) know where to find it. For those in the dark of this Web Search wunderkind, I would like to briefly introduce you to the family of Google tools that empowers mere workstation drones with fresh resources unknownst to them before...

Web Search - as everyone SHOULD know, it is the Internet's most darling search engine, often giving the most relevant results (although smart-alecky advertisers have learned how to pollute searches using trickery) compared to other lesser search engines. Plus, it's not JUST a plain vanilla search engine... Google comes with various features that you can use in your daily grind, such as units conversion (try "65 mph to kph", or "32 F to C").

Groups - dig through the many USENet newsgroups and mailing lists to find answers to your most obscure and insipid questions! Actually, this is a gold-mine for IT tech support folk, like yours truly. I feel that if there is a problem that ever comes up (esp on Windows), more often than not, someone else would have gotten the same issue before!

Local - a.k.a. Google Maps, this driving directions and business mapping tool has combined the power of satellite imagery and road-mapping to give travelling users one of the most useful online "hybrid" tools ever! Many smart and creative folks have used the freely-available Google Maps API to create other interesting informative tools. And for those of you with the system horsepower and Windows 2000/XP (sorry Mac and Linux users), you might wanna give the free Google Earth a try! Find your home, wherever it is on the face of this planet (I found mine, in Singapore, using the satellite imagery... it's pretty amazing)!!

News - no longer do you have to open a dozen browser windows/tabs to find the latest news from around the world! With the information-harnessing capability of Google, all your favorite news outlets can be referenced from a single portal. (Of course, for all you RSS/newsfeed fans, you probably have your tickertapes already running on your desktop :)

Froogle - although still a relatively crude price grabbing tool, Froogle has come a long way since its inception and I've found myself using it more often, along with my other price-matching tools such as PriceGrabber and ResellerRatings.

SMS (US & UK only) - Ever wished to find the address to the nearest branch of your favorite restaurant? Or find a comparable market price of a particular item? Well, if you have a cell phone and reside in the US of A, search using Google SMS! Pretty handy to have around, esp if you decide NOT to tote your laptop around for shopping trips!

Some other tools that I've not used as much, but deserve some mention, such as the new (and controversial) Books Search, the online Images gallery, Scholarly libraries search (for links to books, journals and articles), and Directory - a categorized search engine (not unlike the Yahoo! and Open Directory style).

For those of you who enjoy to stay on the cutting edge of Google's development, try checking out their company Blog or their Labs once in a while... many interesting things pop-up there. I've seen quite a number of interesting tools show up, such as Google Video (excellent resource of funny and 'informative' videos, uses Flash to stream) and Google Base (a collaborative online database of stuff, putting a foot onto Craig's List and eBay turf).

More great stuff that Google provides are applications that can be installed onto your PC to help you bring information to your desktop. Unfortunately, most of these are Windows-centric (where's the love for Mac and Linux users?!). Anyway, some of the most important tools that I've seen from Google include:

Google Toolbar for IE - waaayyy before Redmond decided that their flagship browser DOES need a pop-up blocker and search bar, which (IMHO) is an ESSENTIAL feature of any modern browser, I've told every single IE user that they should HAVE this installed to ensure that they are free to annoying pop-up ads and have instant access to the Google search engine (of course, this advice usually follows my initial rant, "What the heck are you using IE for? Switch to Firefox and/or Opera NOW!!!" >;).

Picasa - An excellent (and FREE) photo/image/graphics catalog tool, anyone who has a ton of pictures in their machine will find this a god-send to keep their stuff organized, without burning a hole in their wallets! Try it today, coz you've got nothing to lose! :)

Gmail - ahhh... Google Mail. It's been, like, so long since we first saw free mailbox providers panic at the announcement of Google's intent to give their mailbox subscribers an entire Gigabyte (read: that's a sh*tload of space!) of e-mail storage goodness. Of course, it started out as an invitation only service, but word got around FAST and people flocked to the Gmail service, in every way possible! Today, Gmail is open to US consumers, and storage space has been bumped up to a whopping 2.5GB (!) so sign up if you haven't already! As for those of you residing in the rest of the World, send me a message if you need an invitation! ;)

There are some other interesting developments that I've not delved into as much, such as the language translator (similar to Yahoo!/Altavista's Babelfish), the Desktop/Deskbar tools, and the newly introduced IM (instant messaging) client Google Talk. Those of you would enjoy programming and would love to incorporate Google's tools and capabilities into your next big application, should check out Google's open source Code initiative.

*deep breath*

Ok, I guess you guys can tell I've become a slave to Google... :P

Thursday, December 8

Ohio's 1st snowstorm of 2005

Ze winter storm eez upon uz! Heaps of dense snow! Perfect for a snowball fight... Mmmmwwahahahah!!! *rubs paws in gleeful anticipation*

Of course, it's not all fun and games... I was lucky when I decided to leave earlier from office today. Snow was just starting to sprinkle... I dived (not literally of course) into my car, which thankfully is still clear of any heavy accumulation. By the time I reach the freeway on-ramp, snow was pouring and coating the roads... even with my snow tires, I was scrubbing and hopping a bit when I got a bit heavy on the throttle! Eeks... Ok, so while merging into the freeway I was sliding laterally a little, and I quickly did a bit of nudging to correct my heading and stuck to my lane until I reached my exit... Traffic was pretty much topping out at 55mph.

Of course, Everyone was naturally cautious, safety first! I saw a few folks scrub for traction moving off at junctions or crossing junctions (where they had to hop across some mounds of snow)...

I was close to home when I heard a blast of sirens and a bright flashing object in my rear-view. Instinctively I tapped the hazard lights and slowly brought my vehicle to a stop at the side of the road, which fortunately, I could still make out the kerb from the layer of snow on top of it. Some of the drivers in front of me and one behind me (I guess) didn't expect the ambulance's sudden appearance and slid around a bit before they managed to tame their machines and made room for the emergency vehicle. After the big van/truck cleared the junction ahead, order was resumed and I slowly drove the last bit of my journey to my mailbox to check to see what goodies the mailman has for me...

Ah! My LEGO catalog! Wooohooo!

Sunday, December 4

Exams week long hiatus

Okay... I've not been keeping up with ma posts here...

But I've got a good and valid excuse! Finals week is upon me over at OSU, so I've been shoving my nose into my notes and book(s)... *yawn*

Can't wait 2 feenesh all dees stardi-ing... Gladuasion, here cums daddy!!!

btw, the dang weather is freezin' ma a$$ off... brrrr... we're lookin' at sub-zero temps here in the Midwest now.

Tuesday, November 22

Hippy Hop Trippin!

Joined the SEASO gang over at club C.B.R last Saturday... started out slow, no thanks to some technical glitches with the DJs' equipment... but once the beats start pounding, and the people started moving and groovin, the club came alive! I was moving a lot more than I thought I would, and I ended up only downing a single bottle of Killians (then again I was the designated driver, so it's just as well!)

Check out some of the pics, courtesy of SEASO's camera-trigger-happy host Nga! Yes, that is Nga who is doing a little Victory dance atop my head... I'll get ya for that!

Sunday, November 20

Romelo and Julilette

Was watching an Asia-imported animated movie that was sent to my sis-in-law by her best friend in Singapore... Liang Shan Bo yu Zhu Ying Tai, also known as the classic Chinese romance novel "The Butterfly Lovers", with a tip of the hat to William Spearshake's tragic romance Romeo and Juliet. Of course, names and details have been changed to protect the innocent.

So that got me thinking... hmmm... what if there was a Singaporean version of the classic love story? Just imagine the headlines...

"Classic tale of love lost in an urban jungle"
"Star-crossed lovers take leap across supernatural boundaries"
"Forlon romance between Romelo 'Ah-Seng' and Julilette 'Ah-Lian'"

And the theme song would probably be a good 'ol fashioned remix of Ah-Niu's "Dui mian de Ah-Lian kan guo lai... kan guo lai..." (translate: "The girl opposite me just looked my way... looked my way").

Newest member of the entourage

Now that the period of rememberance of our dearly-departed Taurus wagon "Luna" has come and gone, it's time to introduce her replacement! Aptly known as the "GC" or "The Grand", laaaaadies and gentlemeeenn... I present to you... *drum roll*

Our Grand Caravan Sport, aka The Baby-Mobile! *ka-cheeessshh!* *applause*

GC Front GC Rear
Looking forward to many happy grocery store runs and road trips ahead!

Wednesday, November 16

Why do people remain homeless and bum around? Why?!!

Y'know, I always believed that given the opportunity... every member of society can get a job and feed him/herself. Aspirations and ambitions aside, this overly optimistic point of view often leads me to wonder about the poor folk in one of the most powerful and wealthy countries in the world. THE Hyper-power, if you must.

Led to this gentleman's blog by a funny link from mr brown's site about CosPlayers, I went further into Tian's blog and read this post: Spending on Homeless vs. Education ...

By giving cash to the homeless man standing at freeway off-ramp, he is being encouraged to live in a homeless lifestyle. When there is no incentive to be standing around waiting for hand-outs, he has to seek other ways to survive.
I whole-heartly agree on this. In more ways than one, I've always advised my friends and newbies (fresh undergrads) to ignore the bums on the streets coz they don't want your pity/concern, just money. And if you buy them something substantial like food and water, they spit it back at you. *pui*

So next time, do yourself and other fellow pedestrians a favor and move along... Your money is better spent if you donate it to an active non-religious/political-oriented charity, and your time is better spent volunteering at your local public community services center.

Thursday, November 10

Hellloooooo Nurse!

Got my grubby hands on another pic from the Halloween party - with my friend, Jade aka HOT nurse, looking good as always!

Don't ask me what the hell I was thinking when posing for this photo... I myself still wonder, "was I talking mid-sentence or what...??"

One thing's for sure, I was SOBER!

Unleash the Gadget Freak!

My mom arrived from San Francisco last night... my dad is still at a conference, so he'll join us in around a week's time. Always great to see mom again (to tidy up, I got ma'self a buzz haircut @ Great Clips, since I got a coupon for that branch close by... and fortunately, I found some time to clean up my "pig sty of a room" to a state that it is presentable to the public and not require the presence of the Federal Radiation Safety crew).

Two things really threw me off on my mom's arrival. Firstly, she's branishing a sparkling new jet-black Moto Razr V3... OMG!!! my mom has a Razr!!!11!1!!! In black!!!!one1one!!1! That's the first shocker.

Next, she whips out a "gift from Dad"... here comes the major-domo:

Oh. My. Effin' Gawd.

My mom has just handed me a Playstation Portable. O. M. F. G.

In my hands. Is a pristine Sony PSP. I couldn't believe my eyes.

Holy I feel like a little schoolboy with his shiny new toy. My heart skipped a few beats and I was whooping in my head, totally ecstatic.

Ok. I have to stop now. Gotta midterm to study for.

Tuesday, November 8

Photo me this...

After some frustrating attempts at linking photos from Webshots, Eleanor's daddy gave up and jumped ship to Flickr instead. So off her photos went, plus new updates posted on the web album! Check them out!

You cannot resist my cuteness!!!

It's close to miiidnite... and something evil's lurkin' in the dark...

BOO! Time to wrap up this pumpkin season! Shouts out to the SEASO gang for hosting the rad parrrtay! Namely, Nga for her hospitality, Jade for the invite, Nate for the coooolest costume (Blues Brothers coat and all) and Dan for putting on that huge sombrero! Plus, kudos to Dara for the advice he has on handling drunk friends (lay them on their - right? - side, so they don't swallow their own puke!) and for dressing up in nothing but boxers and an overcoat in sub-50 degrees (F) temperatures - you da man! Hee... cheers and see y'all on the next All Hallows' eve!

A fresh new look!

Oooooo! Check out theeez new template I peeeeked!

For one, it does make my emoticons integrate better into the paragraphs.

Wednesday, November 2

The Doctor is In!

Joined the fine folks from SEASO (SouthEast Asian Student Organization) for their Halloween costume party last Sat nite! It's my first costume party (finally pulled myself out of that hole at the bottom of Mt. Ulu) and mannnn it was crazy... hoooo... my friend (who gave the invite) was dressing up as a nurse (a really HOT nurse ;), so I decided to go along with the Doctor look. Of course, being Halloween, a straight-laced doctor simply won't do, so I hopped into a Halloween USA store + K-Mart, and got meself some accessories! $16 later, I got a stethoscope, floating eyeball, honkin' huge cleaver, a bottle of SFX blood and "here's my little friend" - a severed hand! w00t! :D

Borrowed a lab coat from a fellow Singaporean (Thanks Kumar!) and with the help of my sis-in-law (Kudos to Karen!), I did a little artwork on the plain-jane plastic butcher knife. Mix some reds and browns... mmmm... we've got ourselves a bloody mary! Splash a bit here and a bit there... hee... then next, it's off to the coat! I put it on (over my tee and shorts of cos)... stood in my bath tub and poured some of that SFX blood on my palms... mmmm... gooey. Quickly mushing the goop together in my palms I start patting and rubbing it all over the lab coat... heeeeyyyy... looking gooood! :)

And my palms... wow! After the goop dries off, it looks like real blood! Smells weird tho. *shrug* But it was great... and washes off easily too! Well... it actually needed some bleach to wash it off entirely later (the coat was a mild pink after washing off the initial blood splotches with soap)... but then again that's why I wanted a white outfit! ;)

Now that my main instruments of scaredom are set, time to dress up. Shirt, pants, a big blob of silver-colored hair gel (not exactly very effective... oh well), and I'm all set - the doctor with devilish intent!!! Mwahahahahah!

The Doctor is in! NEXT!!!

Friday, October 28


Another day, another dollar...

Big update on my life time! It's been quite a while since I last doodled anything here... so let me start off with my plans to graduate. OH YEAHH! Edz here is finally getting his ba.. bac... *looks at Academic Services web site* baccalaureate degree! Can you dig it? Huh huh huh? *pumps right arm* Wooooooo...

btw, i discovered this series of animated shorts called "There she is!!" @ NewGrounds and now recommend all animation fans to the Korean artist(s)' - SamBakZa - site.

Much like Pucca (click on English on the top right-corner for the translated site), I've been seeing quite a lot of high-quality Korean animation show up... plus The Simpsons have long been more or less Korean-drawn... I am feeling that the Koreans deserve as much praise as the Japanese did for the industry, although animation, at heart, is still the brain-child of the artists themselves.

I personally love doodling, but never did find the patience or stamina to draw a fully animated short. Maybe someday... someday I can do it. *Procrastination mode*

Monday, October 10

Luna, you will be missed

After toughing it out with the Lim Family for over 2 years, our Ford Taurus (fondly known as Luna), has moved on to her next adventure... As we have gotten a minivan recently, we no longer need so many large vehicles in our hands, so we thought since she's still a mighty mover, someone might be able to give her the necessary TLC.

So away she went into the arms of her new owner... you will be missed! Thanks for memories, and the fish... [1996 Ford Taurus GL Wagon: 2002-2005]

Foggy mornin'

I was just browsing through my photos in my celly-fone, and I noticed these surreal pics of dense fog that I drove through one morning... relax... I used one hand to take the photos, my other hand was still on the wheel...

Anyway, it was crawwwwling on the freeway and this was 8:45 in the morning! Pretty humid day, it turned out. But the afternoon sun burned through all of that...