Tuesday, September 12

Triplets and a pair

Currently nursing a plethora of ulcers now... a trio of mini-ulcers spot the insides of my lower lip, near the gum and my jawline, while a pair of larger, angrier ulcers attack some prime locations - namely, the tip of my tongue and sneaking behind my upper left molar, at the point where my jaws open and close.

Fun fun fun. And I'm drooling all day like a teething toddler (i know this from first-hand experience )

Tried my good 'ol cure, Zitacin, which helps numb the pain and create a temporary protective layer that's, mmm, good for one meal... before it wears out. Tried Watermelon Frost, an old skool Asian medical powdery-like application which works to cool off the "heatiness" of the open wounds... but as with Zitacin, it's only good for one meal. Washes right off with my saliva like rubber duckies floatin' along a hillside river.

Then my colleague recommended that I rub some salt on them. Literally. I thought that might be too extreme, so I stuck to my mom's recommendation instead, dilute the salt in some water and gargle. I estimate it to be a 90% concentration of salt, 10% water...

Oh the paaaaaiiinnnn...

My eyes were so watery during the 30 second process, I couldn't read off a signboard if it was placed right in front of me But, hell... I've had worse. And the pain kinda gets to ya... it hurt soooo good. The clenching of fists, gnashing of teeth, and maniac laughter...

Gotta be a sucker for punishment, else I'd just crumple in a corner and weep.

Tuesday, September 5

Pieces of a jigsaw puzzle

Everytime I look into your eyes,
I discover yet another new piece of myself,
building and building,
to complete a masterpiece of life.

Each time our fingers entwine,
Each time you wrap your arms around my neck,
You afix a new piece of the puzzle in my heart.

Every new morning I look forward to life with aplomb!
Every sunny day I feel refreshed and energized!
Every rainy day I look toward you to share my warmth!

Take this piece of my mind.
Take this piece of my soul.

Piece them together,
and with your gentle touch,
form the final piece
of my heart.

My niece has just spent a year on Earth!

Guess what? Little Eleanor just passed her first life milestone last weekend! Heheheh... Click on the cheeky one's picture link below to access her photo album of the BBQ celebration we had the previous weekend @ Jinji's place (coz last weekend Uncle Jinji and Aunt Cynthia were out in Seattle)... Coochie coochie coo! Ahhhh! Too adorable!

It's my birthday - and I'm cute! ^o^