Sunday, November 20

Romelo and Julilette

Was watching an Asia-imported animated movie that was sent to my sis-in-law by her best friend in Singapore... Liang Shan Bo yu Zhu Ying Tai, also known as the classic Chinese romance novel "The Butterfly Lovers", with a tip of the hat to William Spearshake's tragic romance Romeo and Juliet. Of course, names and details have been changed to protect the innocent.

So that got me thinking... hmmm... what if there was a Singaporean version of the classic love story? Just imagine the headlines...

"Classic tale of love lost in an urban jungle"
"Star-crossed lovers take leap across supernatural boundaries"
"Forlon romance between Romelo 'Ah-Seng' and Julilette 'Ah-Lian'"

And the theme song would probably be a good 'ol fashioned remix of Ah-Niu's "Dui mian de Ah-Lian kan guo lai... kan guo lai..." (translate: "The girl opposite me just looked my way... looked my way").

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