Friday, May 13

Raising the H-1B Visa Cap

Read a good write-up on Ars Technica discussing Bill Gates's recent call to Congress to raise the H-1B Visa cap (65,000 per year, usually all taken up within the first few days of release) and how it affects both the foreign workers and American labor in the tech industry.

As a IT student/worker myself, I see how this is certainly a pressing issue and it is disturbing (although not surprising) to see corporate giants manipulate the system time and again (just like they do with taxes).

I feel that this kinda ties-in to some recent reports that the numbers of international/foreign professional academics and workers coming to the US are consistently dropping. Somehow, I get a feeling in the near future, the umemployed US IT workforce will bring up the foreign worker visa and outsourcing issues together to work up a case against current employment policies, and in Singaporean terms, bringing in "foreign talent".

I'll be keeping my eye on this storm.
Ooo... SIX more days to Star Wars EP. III!

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