Tuesday, July 11

A Banana Split, using my tongue

Just discovered a nice way to snack... grab yourself a banana (hopefully a sweet one, like the small "fragrant bananas" back home in Singapore... yum!)... peel it partially.

Next, get yourself a tub of Edy's/Dreyer's Dibs ice cream bites. Pick your favorite flavor (or something close to it... I chose Cookies'n'Cream). Now, with your banana in one hand, and your tub/plate of ice cream bites ready and waiting, take a nice comfortable bite of the banana, and then immediately pop one or two Dibs into your mouth.

Let your tongue savour the mix of tastes... the melting cream, the tantalizing chocolate coating, and the fruity goodness... roll it around your mouth, under your tongue, across the palate... mmmmm... yesss...

*awaken after spacing out*
Eh... eh? Oops... got a bit carried away there. Anyway, It's like making a Banana Split Sundae right there, in your mouth, with your tongue... ain't it?

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