Tuesday, May 10

Match Made in Heaven

It's 40 mins past midnite. Here I am, under the sanitized white glare of my living room workstation lamp. Munching on a Peanut Butter and Kaya sandwich. *munch munch* Now that is a match made in Heaven. Anyone who has not experienced the wonders of a PB & K sandwich are just missing out on one of the best fusion foods ehhh-var. (For a smoother taste, lathered a thick layer of butter in between... healthy folks can just use margarine)

Right now working on a last minute cram session before my CSE 676 midterm tomorrow. Whoopee... this should be a breeze for me, since it just covers microcomputer... *Owwwww!*

WTF? Something bit me! That stung... *rubs base of neck*
*walks to washroom for a look in the mirror*

/me back

Not sure what the hell bit me. Better dab a bit of Neosporin (first aid cream). Yeah, I'm the kia-see type.

kia-see = Afraid of death, pain, suffering, decapitation and general discomfort.

Anyway, where was I? Oh yes, my midterm tomorrow... covers microcomputer semiconductor memory (in all its forms), magnetic storage, optical storage, system storage interfaces and all its wonderful bits. Excellent. Afterall, I've been mucking around with PCs from the day I learned how to write a complete article - my first legible piece of writing came not from my scribbling, instead came from a rickety 'ol (read: State-of-the-Art in Singapore, circa 1980s) dot-matrix printer.

It was a make-believe newsletter that I came up... 3 whole columns filled with a scary story of meeting a monster in the lift (or elevator, American-speak). I loved writing stuff like that. My imagination was too hard to tie down. Of course, with age comes sensibility and along for the ride, is procrastination.
Now that, I'm good at.

Anyway I would like to thank my Dad for bringing that first IBM-compatible XT home, forever sucking me into the vortex of computer technology. Thanks for teaching me all the neat stuff about computers, showing me how to tear them apart and put them back together. He's the Man.

And although this is a little belated (but I've already called, honest), I would like to thank my Mom and wish her (2nd time) a Happy Momma's Day 2005. Thanks so much for reading all my weird writings and drawings, for putting up with me while I tried (though my brain had a lot of internal resistance against anything to do with "bi3-hua4") to learn my Mandarin/Chinese spelling tests. She's DA Mom.

Ok I've rambled enough for this night. Back to the books...


Chest Freezer said...

Helloooooo World!! How's it going Eds!

I see you're SSA webmaster too.. I used to be active, now working with the SIF for Brisbane SSAs.

Check out ssa-qut.org and also www.sssuq.netfirms.com. SSA's unite! :D

On the other hand, Edz!!! Docfreeze! How are you? I would love to have Kaya, but we get homemade here for A$5.00 per tiny bottle.. yuuum.

Unknown said...

Yo yo yooo... m'brudder! Wah so long no see man... glad to hear from ya.

Interesting to see how you've progressed so far. Makes me feel a bit sad about my current life, still struggling to get my degree while you're already out there, earning your keep! I can't wait to be done with all this! 6 more months! :)

Here in Ohio, we've been depending on canned Kaya (the orange type that you usually find in Kopitiams!) made by Yeos and imported by this chinese grocery stall (only one!)... It costs ard US$2 a can.

See you around man! Cheers!