Tuesday, May 10

Hot Doggie Doggie Doggie...

Just finished my History recitation class... had a class outdoors again today. Not too bad. Weather's fine, although I could smell an incoming storm... *sniff* *sniff* Actually I'm just suppressing a runny nose. Took an Advil LiquidGel this morning with my coffee and biscuits. I'm better now... well... better than last night when I blew out a couple of capillaries along with my mucus.

So here I am, back in my office, munching on a hot dog. D.i.Y. Think about it, it's really cheaper this way. Rather than pay a buck fifty at the HD stand downstairs, I'd buy a pack of 8 franks for a dollar fifty, a pack of 10 buns for a dollar sixty and make 8 hot dogs using the same amount of money it takes to buy 2 from the stand. Of course, it also helps to have a microwave to heat up the frank and a small stash of condiments from the friendly neighborhood fast food chains.


I'm gonna go eat my banana now.

Oh wait. Aw nuts, I forgot to pluck one from home!
Hmmm... time to go find a substitute for my potassium enrichment.

Ooo... just 9 more days to the final chapter of the Star Wars legacy.


Anonymous said...

I'm posting, just because. And I get to be first Commentor. WOOHOO!

RainCloud the Bounty Hunter

Unknown said...

Ah... an insightful first comment.

RainCloud? I don't suppose that has any Native American connotations now, does it?