Monday, October 16

NW-Asses can suck my ballz

DISCLAIMER: Look, this is a rant, so kindly do not take this too seriously... (read: Don't sue me)

/begin rant

As anyone of you who takes to the air when travelling from place to place, I'm sure y'all can empathize when a traveller gets stuck during a stopover. Well, this just happened. My lady love, C, was supposed to be attending a conference @ Kansas, MO for the next 3 days. Well, midway on her journey - during a stopover in Detroit (of all places! Ugh!) - between Columbus and Kansas... guess what? Yep, her flight plan was messed up - it got 'downgraded' and because of that they couldn't fit all the passengers into the (physically) SMALLER plane - KNOWING DAMN WELL that the flight was FULLY BOOKED... Now, let your brain digest this a bit: nwAss REDUCED the number of seats during a FRICKIN' STOPOVER, in a FRICKIN' FULLY-FILLED flight. WHAT THE FRICKIN' HELL is WRONG with them?! *taps head with finger angrily*

So, my dear C has her check-in luggage bag (containing all her clothes, personal effects and essentials) on its merry way to Kansas and she is stuck in Detroit... oh and, btw, the next flight they've got is taking off the NEXT FRICKIN' AFTERNOON (they did put C on a wait list for an evening flight - which was, guess again... FULL... Grrrreat)! Oh swell... thanks nwAss! There goes the hotel arrangements, colleague/official meetings and conference preparation as a whole damn day is lost.

Well, to show how SORRY they are, they compensated C with some airport meal/food coupons and lodging in a nearby airport hotel.. and naturally, some frequent flyer credit for future flights. Pfffffft...

Dear nwAss, when you cock up like that, you had damn hell better give an official apology letter and CASH/CHECK compensation to ALL your passengers that you can't squeeze in because your damn flights won't fit the booked load! You actually give pissed off passengers CREDIT TO YOUR AIRLINE's FLIGHTS so that "DIDDLE-DO-DEE-DUM" you'll get another chance to shaft them from behind again?! Oh right, umm suuuure, thanks.

Sigh. This really bothered me coz this is the second time nwAss cocked up - first time was with my mom's flight back to Singapore - as usual - during a stopover.

nwAss, I hope in the good graces of Gawd that you brush up your resource planning and keep in mind that once you have your planes filled (which is a good thing, no? More passengers means more $$$ / gal of fuel used), they'd prefer to stay on their intended flights. A delay is one thing, but kicking people off their intended flights mid-way is N O T a BRIGHT idea.

/end rant

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