January 13th 2007 was a memorable night for E & C... it was the night where we invited our closest family and friends to a special dinner to announce and celebrate our engagement! We felt really excited and anxious as weeks turned into days and days turned into hours, closing in onto the set dinner appointment time...
We barely had time to take a breath! From buying the thank-you gifts and cards, ironing out the dinner menu with the restaurant manager (many thanks to Jinji and Cynthia for their help in part-translation - the manager spoke Cantonese!), to getting C's hair done, and me trying to properly tie a tie! :P
Thankfully with the support and help from my bro, as well as our dear friends Jinji, Elana and many others... we were able to pull off the dinner event (plus a bunch of wild and interesting games that they - along with some of our dining guests - came up with) successfully! We enjoyed ourselves thoroughly and we certainly hope our guests found the night to be one to remember by!
Many thanks to Dai Min for his great photos!
Another event awaits us this Saturday... of course, we are better prepared now!