An excellent piece of work by NCH, a local (Singaporean) Flash animatior. Featuring a song written by Edmund Tan, sang by Hossan Leong during one of Mr Brown's shows "Talking Cock at Parliament".
Check it out! If you are not a Singaporean, some of the jokes might seem obscure (Huh??? factor is high), so grab a Singaporean friend and get him/her to translate! :p
Wednesday, December 6
We Live in Singapura!!!
Tuesday, December 5
Destination 2007: Hong Kong, Singapore!
Home sweet home!
Finally, after 4 years away from home, it looks like I'm gonna return for a 2 week visit! I'll also be stopping by Hong Kong to visit my dad's pad for a week. Woo hoo! Time to eat'n'shop till I drop! Gadget heaven, here I come!!!
Note to self: Mark calendar for February 2007 - THE DAY!
Of course, this visit home is gonna be a real busy one... outside of the obligatory shopping and eating, I have to visit relatives (Chinese New Year mah!), meet up & catch up with all my friends/buddies, get registered for marriage, go thru tea ceremony, apply for my H1B visa, check PR application for spouses of SG citizens...
Marriage? Tea Ceremony? Wa...?
Yep... you heard that right.
'ol E here is gonna get hitched, baby! w00t!
Vacation back home