Friday, July 28

Final Azumanga Video: "Lord of the Yen"

This is simply too cool... too cool for words. Let me just do a quick voice casting list for my fellow viewers, so they don't get lost in the midst of the video!

LOTR CharacterAzumanga Character
GaladrielKimura's wife
Eomer and the Riders of RohanTadakichi-san

Watch it and be amazed (or completely lost, for those non-Azumanga and non-LOTR fans ;)

Azumanga "Graduation" (by Vitamin C)

Hehehe... this ones is kinda kewl too... I remember this "We like to party" song, it was like so wayyy back ago. Man! I'm getting old... Oook, so i didn't watch the previous video to realize it was kinda abrupt... anyway, here's a better one... this song always makes me nice and warm inside, esp with the right video! Enjoy!

ULFULS:Shakkin Daioh

Another one of my Azumanga searches turned up this really cool Anime MTV! Kaakkkooiii!

Happy SysAdmins Day!

Ahhh.. July 28th, 2006. It's the unofficial Systems Administrators Day! Hee... sent to us SITE guys in the ECE department of OSU, one friendly and informed user felt that it's fitting to celebrate the hard-working folks who keep your computers running, networks connecting and printers printing.

Awwww... great. I feel sooo good right now...

Anyway there's a Wiki for it, oh and do check out the song link at the bottom of the page for the official song! It's a blast. Lovin' it!

Monday, July 17

Dusting off Friendster

After a long long hiatus, after a dozen attempts at procrastinating , I finally blew the dust off my Friendster profile and refreshed my info, post-graduation. Well, there's not a lot to write about... but hey! It's something! I also wrote a couple of reviews. Probably will hang around a bit more until I get bored again. Ha ha haaaaa...

Also threw in some photos from my FL "Shuttle Discovery Launch" trip! If you look at the right column of ma blog's front page, you can click to my Friendster profile in my plethora of fun links! Wow! Isn't that just so cooooooooooooooooooool?


Tuesday, July 11

Florida Hooooo!!!!

Well, a couple of weeks back while we were talking about road trips... I was planning one to Lake Erie to see the Marblehead Lighthouse... a friend of mine suggested that on the Independence Day weekend, we should journey down to Florida, to catch the launch of the shuttle Discovery STS-121. I was like, "Cool! Why not?" Then he also mentioned that his colleague has a place not too far from the Kennedy Space Center. Road trip with free lodging? That sealed the deal! Florida... HERE WE COME!!!

After checking out the launch time and date (Saturday 3:34pm), we estimated the 1060 mile trip there would probably take us 16 hours of non-stop driving to make it on time. We have two drivers to rotate, I volunteered for the night shift/overnight drive.

It was a long drive, but good fun. I did nearly run off-road once, if not for the wake-up strips at the side of the highway! That was around 5am I believe... I was kept up mostly by music, chewing gum and industrial strength caffeinated Thai tea!

Of course, as most of you know, the launch date of Discovery was cancelled, TWICE. So we spent our time mostly hanging around the beaches. It was great! To be close to the ocean... listening to the waves lapping the shores... man, I've been away from Singapore for so long... this almost feels special!

When it came to the actual launch day, 4th of July, I used my Canon Powershot A530 to capture a small video (hosted by of the shuttle launch... as far away as we were, the sound of the rockets could still be heard, and despite the shuttle being nothing more than a brightly lit blip in the sky... the excitement and energy in the air was infectious!

We had a few other stop-overs near the end of our trip as well... check them out in my uploaded photos - the entire photo album of this FL trip can be found in Flickr! (Just follow the link)

Hope your summer holidays/vacation/trips are also fun and real interesting! I look forward to listenin' about yours too! Cheers!

A Banana Split, using my tongue

Just discovered a nice way to snack... grab yourself a banana (hopefully a sweet one, like the small "fragrant bananas" back home in Singapore... yum!)... peel it partially.

Next, get yourself a tub of Edy's/Dreyer's Dibs ice cream bites. Pick your favorite flavor (or something close to it... I chose Cookies'n'Cream). Now, with your banana in one hand, and your tub/plate of ice cream bites ready and waiting, take a nice comfortable bite of the banana, and then immediately pop one or two Dibs into your mouth.

Let your tongue savour the mix of tastes... the melting cream, the tantalizing chocolate coating, and the fruity goodness... roll it around your mouth, under your tongue, across the palate... mmmmm... yesss...

*awaken after spacing out*
Eh... eh? Oops... got a bit carried away there. Anyway, It's like making a Banana Split Sundae right there, in your mouth, with your tongue... ain't it?