Yet another proof that in Singapore, like most "First World Countries" around the globe, the rich are getting richer and the poor are getting poorer
(credits to a MyCarForum post):
This car's STARTING price is a jaw-dropping, blood-draining, wallet-burning SG$1,800,000,000 (just a little over 1.13 million US Dollars). Attempting to drive a super-exoticar like this in the tiny, cramped island of Singapore is madness. You'll be doing at least twenty 0-60mph runs between traffic junctions every day!
In a situation as such, this vehicle simply screams, "I've got money to buuuurrrrn baby, so eat my dust LOSERS!"... grrr... in one single post, I've churned up dark feelings of envy, lust, anger and greed. Hmmm... four out of seven deadly sins. Muahahahahah...
I guess in the end...
Tuesday, June 20
Pagani Zonda - Destination: Singapore
Monday, June 19
CosPlay: Dedicated to expressing Anime/Manga love!
Yet another stamp of approval in my entry to Geek Haven, comes my undeniable interest in Cosplayers (unfortunately, my lack of fashion sense deems me unworthy of appearing in front of these dedicated and wonderful costume players). While there are FAR too many CosPlay web sites out there, here are some interesting cosplayers (that i came across recently) in the guise of some of my favorite characters from anime and video games!
I thought the Talim costume looked really authentic and the cosplayer herself looked the part - athletic and kick-a$$ gorgeous in pose! I've always liked Rogue, and the cosplayer had all of the right elements - from the streak of silver hair, to the classic-colored X-tights, plus the boots and gloves made the perfect combo!
This last one is just way too cool - yessiree, that's the schemin' ol' Starscream from classic G1 Transformers, baby! Right down to the sneering grin! Of course, we don't expect this cosplayer to transform, but hey - at least a good part of the character's "devilish energy" is there! Click on the picture for a surprise! (More costumes @
Tuesday, June 13
Google to Paypal: "GBuy!"
The funniest thing about this is that if it's true, then Google's research folks deserve an award for most outstanding Hokkien label for an online service.
LOL, can't get over this... childish, I know...
Source: Ars Technica
Update: Google has since released the official name for their online payment and financial transaction service... Google Checkout.